Career coaching
Are you looking for work or are you wondering, what next?
Even the most talented professionals can find looking for a job confusing and lonely. You’ve years of experience but recruiters don’t get back to you. Or you think you’ve prepared thoroughly for an interview but miss out on the role.
When feedback from recruiters is vague or non-existent, you’re in the dark and on your own. That’s a real problem because recruitment is about marketing yourself — it doesn’t get more personal. That means you could be too close to see what you need to do.
Pile on the stress that comes with looking for a new job – or a whole new career — and answers about ourselves get even harder to see. You can ask friends and family, but how straight with you can they be? And unless they’re in your market, they won’t have the insights you need.
How do you work out what’s next?
If you’re working in a field you no longer love, how do you work out what’s next? You’ve got years of experience in one field, so how do you start in a new field without going back to zero?
Imagine being able to prepare with the insights of a recruiter who has helped thousands of people find new jobs in the same field or to reposition themselves. Imagine a coach who is on your side and committed to your success, but who also has the distance to see things as they might need to be seen. By preparing with you and debriefing with you I can give you a perspective that would be extremely hard to find on your own

I can help with

Re-branding yourself

Optimising your CV

Navigating job search

Interview preparation

Case study: Senior banker^ ready for a change of role
My client, a senior banker, wanted a different role in a similar field. That meant she’d be competing with applicants who already had experience in the roles she wanted. She asked me to tear apart her CV to present her experience as a credible fit for new challenges. In addition, we looked at where she might acquire additional skills, and considered other strategies she could adopt as part of her repositioning.
As result, she’s now talking to recruiters, backed by a punchy CV that delivers proof that she’s a strong candidate for roles in the new field she’s chosen for herself.
^ Industry and other identifying information has been changed to protect confidentiality